The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
--Sydney J. Harris
Contact info:
Phone#: 801-395-3373
e-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: and Google Classroom:
Parents, I have an open door policy. You are always welcome in my classroom. Please come visit us and see what we are learning.
Class Rules:
-Be prepared to work
-Give every task your best effort
-Be respectful and kind
-Only use the computers for instructional purposes (translation: NO GAMES)
Materials Needed:
--An enjoyable reading book that is somewhat challenging
--A ream of copy paper (not required but much appreciated!)
--An inexpensive USB flash drive
Assignments will usually be turned into Google classroom--an online portal. When work is turned in late, a form must be filled out and turned into the late work basket by my desk. This way I will know to go online and check to see if your work has been turned in.
Assignments lose 10% credit if late. Exceptions will be made with large projects if I am convinced that you need more time and are not just procrastinating. Tests can be retaken as many times as needed if you will first study or come in after school for some extra help.
All late work must be turned in one week prior to the end of the grading period. Please do not abuse this liberal late work policy. Quality work can not be done if everything is turned in the last week before the quarter ends.
Grading scale:
Letter Grade Percentage GPA
A 90-100 4.00
B+ 87-89 3.33
B 83-86 3.0
B− 80-82 2.67
C+ 77-79 2.33
C 70-76 2.0
D 60-69 1.0
F 0-59 0.0
I do not have weighted categories because it is easier for a student to predict their grade if it is based strictly on points. However, tests, polished writing assignments, and book reports will constitute about 50% of the grade. The rest will come from daily quick-writes, quizzes, word studies, grammar and punctuation practice assignments, etc...
Students, I will be willing to work with you if there are emergencies or exceptions that need to be made, but I also expect you to do your best. Laziness will not be accommodated :).
There will be homework assigned every class period. The homework will mostly be reading assignments. I will usually keep the amount to 20-30 minutes every other day. You can expect a short quiz on reading assignments the next day in class.
If you are late to class:
Come in quietly (This is important!!!)
I am not insanely strict about tardies, but consistent tardiness is a disruption.
1st tardy=no problem
2nd tardy=warning call or note sent home to parents
3rd tardy=N in citizenship (can be worked off with me)
5th tardy=U in citizenship (this does not look good on a scholarship application)
Behavior and Decency:
In this class, we care about learning and each other. Rude and inappropriate behavior will not be allowed. We will not make fun of each other or put each other down. I will work closely with your parents to make sure this happens. Bullying or harassment will not be tolerated in any way.
Phone#: 801-395-3373
e-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: and Google Classroom:
Parents, I have an open door policy. You are always welcome in my classroom. Please come visit us and see what we are learning.
Class Rules:
-Be prepared to work
-Give every task your best effort
-Be respectful and kind
-Only use the computers for instructional purposes (translation: NO GAMES)
Materials Needed:
--An enjoyable reading book that is somewhat challenging
--A ream of copy paper (not required but much appreciated!)
--An inexpensive USB flash drive
Assignments will usually be turned into Google classroom--an online portal. When work is turned in late, a form must be filled out and turned into the late work basket by my desk. This way I will know to go online and check to see if your work has been turned in.
Assignments lose 10% credit if late. Exceptions will be made with large projects if I am convinced that you need more time and are not just procrastinating. Tests can be retaken as many times as needed if you will first study or come in after school for some extra help.
All late work must be turned in one week prior to the end of the grading period. Please do not abuse this liberal late work policy. Quality work can not be done if everything is turned in the last week before the quarter ends.
Grading scale:
Letter Grade Percentage GPA
A 90-100 4.00
B+ 87-89 3.33
B 83-86 3.0
B− 80-82 2.67
C+ 77-79 2.33
C 70-76 2.0
D 60-69 1.0
F 0-59 0.0
I do not have weighted categories because it is easier for a student to predict their grade if it is based strictly on points. However, tests, polished writing assignments, and book reports will constitute about 50% of the grade. The rest will come from daily quick-writes, quizzes, word studies, grammar and punctuation practice assignments, etc...
Students, I will be willing to work with you if there are emergencies or exceptions that need to be made, but I also expect you to do your best. Laziness will not be accommodated :).
There will be homework assigned every class period. The homework will mostly be reading assignments. I will usually keep the amount to 20-30 minutes every other day. You can expect a short quiz on reading assignments the next day in class.
If you are late to class:
Come in quietly (This is important!!!)
I am not insanely strict about tardies, but consistent tardiness is a disruption.
1st tardy=no problem
2nd tardy=warning call or note sent home to parents
3rd tardy=N in citizenship (can be worked off with me)
5th tardy=U in citizenship (this does not look good on a scholarship application)
Behavior and Decency:
In this class, we care about learning and each other. Rude and inappropriate behavior will not be allowed. We will not make fun of each other or put each other down. I will work closely with your parents to make sure this happens. Bullying or harassment will not be tolerated in any way.